How to get started (Short and Simple Way)
Short and Sweet way to get started:
Empty out the kitchen completely. Throw everything away.
Buy stainless steel utensils. (You don't want to cook in paper, plastic or nonstick cookware which opens you up to cooking in a bunch of cellulose and chemicals.)
Buy purified water like aquafina (pure water).
Buy vacuum-sealed meat. (Buying directly from the farm is ideal to ensure no additives, preservatives or artificial ingredients).
I've found 80/20 ground beef to be perfect. High-fat meats have enough fat to cook themselves in and I've found it most satisfying to cook on medium to a light crisp on both sides.
You can eat as much meat as you want whether it's ground venison or ribeye steak. Please make sure it is vacuum sealed and straight from the farm as that will ensure it's free from the preservatives that stores put on all their shelf meats.
What to expect?
Dietary sugar only takes 3-4 days to run out of your body completely.
During this time ketones are going to take over as the superfuel they are during and after.
The first day of doing this is the most important. Whether you fast that first day or eat only meat that first day, just getting past that day is key. You'll wake up on day 2 and you'll find it very magical. The dopamine rush that sugar has been creating all your life will just disappear. You won't find any desire to match those unnatural dopamine surges anymore. You can just eat meat for an appropriate dopamine response. You will notice on day 2 that you do not crave carbohydrates or sugar of any form. You can walk into a store or look at a TV advertisement of food and just absolutely NOT resonate with it. You literally pull the plug on this awful drug. The feeling is so wonderful. You can now transition to a life of pure bliss and health. Meat contains all essential nutrients and has very highly absorbable protein and fat to fuel your workouts. It is the ultimate peace, one that is free from the inflammation (glycation) caused every time by eating sugar.
Some advice to help assist your mindset even more though all you'll need to do is what I said. Sugar/Carbohydrates are mush, There was a time period in 2019 when I tasted various carbs and I realized they all faded away instantly. There wasn't one that satiated me. They all left me empty inside and bloated. Sugar does not last compared to eating meat. It's literally a drug one that is so disgusting. Meat keeps you going, sugar slows you down and inflames you.
How the days typically go is you'll have a headache on days one and two which is a reflection of the transition process you're undergoing. You may have diarrhea as everything is readjusting. Towards day 3-4 and beyond you'll really start to feel the mental clarity and the world will start to open up for you.